Tag Archives: TopShop
Victoria Magrath at Topshop FW2017
We are now entering into prime shoe season, when it’s warm enough to ditch the socks but not so hot that you can’t even bear to wear shoes. Today’s cropped pants are great for showcasing a new pair, especially mules, which are shaping up to be the shoe of the season, as seen on Victoria Magrath in London.
Irene Kim at Altuzarra FW2014
Irene Kim of The Contempt + the Sublime made a big splash at New York fashion week this past season, wearing cool outfits every day. At the Altuzarra show, she wore layers of floral print denim by Topshop, a pale blue coat, pink hat and those shiny new Birkenstocks that may be everywhere come summer.
The Latest It Bag? The Collectible Cotton Tote
Status bags may no longer be about money, but they are still about caché. At the 2009 Siren Music Festival, must-have bags in the VIP area were plain old cotton totes. They may been acquired for free, but they denoted access: to a Marc Jacobs show (Sonic Youth tote, after the jump) or some early contact with the hot band Phoenix, whose new album imprinted on this bag, left, just came out.
Kate Moss Summer Collection at Topshop – Top Picks
A new batch of Kate Moss clothes comes out tomorrow at Topshop, and unless you have more tolerance for dressing room lines than I do, you might want to shop online. As the Topshop copy goes, “Taking inspiration from Kate’s summer travels, her latest pieces are rich in texture and heavily embellished,” and indeed, the elaborate and ’70s Morocco-style designs are the most lust-worthy. Here’s a preview of some top picks – no pricing details yet.
You’re Cut Off: Denim Shorts
Another clothing item women are still buying during the recession? Denim, which can be worn so often, day or night, dressed up or down, that women essentially “amortize” a high price tag over a high number of wears, as retail analyst Christine Chen notes in today’s WWD.
The new denim trend for spring-summer 2009 is turning out to be jean shorts. Distressed, slouchy “boyfriend” cut-off shorts, tailored shorts, and short denim shorts have all been making an appearance around town, from the line at the Topshop opening to the Union Square Greenmarket this past (very warm) Saturday. After the jump: a buying guide to the best denim shorts.
TopShop Opening Day Photos
There were a lot of trendsters in line on the opening day for TopShop – in fact, there was more fashion outside than inside TopShop, due to the sheer volume of TopShop fans.
The biggest trend? Jean shorts in a variety of washes and cuts, often paired with tights and Doc Marten’s. New York designers may be channeling the ’80s right now, but this generation definitely seems to be having its own 1993 grunge moment.

First male TopShop fan in line. He was dressed a lot like the TopShop guys in their uniform of cropped pants.
Bright colors continue to be a big spring trend.
A variety of footwear. The heels are killer, but I would probably go with the other two choices for standing in line for two hours.
The official TopShop male uniform. Love the socks and the blazer with piping.
Sir Philip Green, left.
Kate Moss in a green dress, her own design, blocked from view by a cop who promised paparazzi he would move out of the way when the time came. Thanks, buddy.
Doc Marten’s, first sighting. Very appropriate for this occasion since they’re a British brand.
This look is sort of lazy-post-collegiate. Very artfully done.
The floral, feminine dress belted with a rough-looking leather belt is right on target. It echoed several of the Kate Moss Liberty prints inside.
Model Coco Young. Her blazer is perfection! The shoulders are just strong enough without being overwhelming.
More Doc Marten-esque boots, this time paired with a stretchy black miniskirt.
The ripped denim shorts paired with ripped tights and Doc Marten’s are classic early ’90s – but the feminine blouse and cool headphones place the whole outfit in this era.
TopShop NYC Opening – Video!
OK so this is the first Gastro Chic video ever, so it’s a little rough. But I wanted to show you what it was like inside TopShop on opening day, April 2nd.
All That for an Ice Cream Cone Top-Shop
I finally left TopShop at 4:32, 5 1/2 hours after I arrived to photograph the crowd (11am-12:20pm), wait in line (12:20pm – 2:30pm), shop (2:30pm-3pm), wait in the dressing room line (3pm-3:50pm), and finally try on clothes and check out (3:50pm-4:30pm). Note that the total time spent shopping was only 1/2 hour. All that for an ice cream cone top, three other items and the freebies: an “Everybody Loves TopShop” tote and a Union Jack tee.
TopShoooooop! Arghghghgh.
If I had to do it again, I would just buy clothes in my size (TopShop’s run small – buy a size up from your regular American size), try them on at home, and return the rejects. You have up to a month to return your purchases, and unlike Forevs 21, TopShop actually gives you your money back, not store credit.
So here’s the ice cream scoop top, one of four items bought. Kinda Sonia Rykiel-ish, but only $65. Was it all worth it? I don’t know. But I did notice the ice cream cone top was sold out by the time I left, and it’s not available online.
nah nah…..
More TopShop Waiting
Waiting in line 50 minutes for dressing room. I could make clothes
myself in this amount of time. Even if I had to start with a loom and
some thread.
At least they’re playing Lady Gaga?
In TopShop
Got in at 2:30. Total wait 2 hrs 10 mins.
Crowd inside in a shopping-induced haze. Excellent DJs blast Belle & Sebastian and The Smiths. Free manicures on one floor, free updos on another. This is not your grandma’s store opening. This is shopping as spectacle.
Sequins, fringe, acid wash: definitely not need-based clothes and accessories. Many items are over $100. Yet people are in line for the dressing room with 10 or more items. One woman strips down on the floor in front of a mirror and tries her clothes on there.
And the top floor of TopShop? Shopping nirvana: the shoes.
Cold TopShop
Very cold standing in shade on Broome St. Should have worn fleece – f* fashion.
Wondering why there’s more traffic out to the Holland when I realize: evening rush hour has started. Total time in line: 1 hr 51 mins.
Taco truck across the street. So. Far. Away.
The Wait
Waiting in line. Am one of approximately three nonsmokers of the hundred or so people in line. Estimated wait time: 1 1/2 hours. Note to potential TopShop shoppers: bring food and water.
Inexplicably, the woman ahead of me buys a $5 TopShop gift card from someone…for $5.
Kate Moss Has Left the Building
After a very disappointing paparazzi stake out that resulted in limited, blocked shots.
But it’s always entertaining to hear the paparazzi’s fashion and beauty commentary:
On a woman walking by in this season’s red-orange lipstick: She looks like that bird from Florida.
On a not-very-attractive woman with bright purple hair: Because when you look that good, you wanna draw a lot of attention to yourself.
On a large lady leaving from the same door Kate would eventually come out of: That’s not her!