Tag Archives: Lineisy Montero
NYC One Month Ago: People!

These are all photos from NY Fashion Week with too many people in them. People in the background, people in the foreground, people looking in the wrong direction, people moving erratically, people making faces. But this is what we miss so much about city life now that people, those pesky people who wouldn’t behave in a scripted way, have gone indoors. (more…)
Lineisy Montero at Etro FW2016
It’s Linesiy Montero: the model exited the Etro show clad in a graffiti top by Jeremy Scott. That may look like a pack of smokes in her hand, but it’s actually a subversive and popular iPhone cover by Jeremy Scott for Moschino.
Pin It: Lineisy Montero at Ralph Lauren FW2016
Model of the moment Lineisy Montero has great style off the runway. She was one of several fashion week attendees to wear jackets decorated with pins and decals. Super cool.